You recently purchased a hybrid or electric vehicle and are now driving it off the lot. You must now contact your agent to ensure that you have the appropriate auto insurance coverage. Insurance for an electric vehicle may be more expensive than insurance for a traditional gas-powered vehicle. Because electric cars are more expensive and have more complex equipment, they may cost more to fix or replace if they are involved in an accident. For policyholders who have comprehensive collision coverage, this could result in higher rates. Tax incentives and long-term fuel and maintenance savings, on the other hand, can help offset higher insurance premiums.
Factors to Consider When Insuring an Electric Vehicle
•It will be more expensive because the car is often more expensive.
•The majority of auto insurance providers offer auto insurance for electric and hybrid vehicles.
•There are fewer discounts available for electric automobiles.
•Ask your agent for multiple auto insurance quotations.
•Insurers give discounts for buying multiple policies, insuring more than one vehicle, not filing a claim, and taking a defensive driving course.
•Car insurance companies have a habit of increasing in price as you have claims. After making a claim, nearly every vehicle insurance provider will increase your premiums. Furthermore, a claim remains on your record for three years.
Although the prices of insuring an electric vehicle are often greater than those of a regular vehicle, you can still discover strategies to save your overall costs. You may be able to save money by conducting research either before or after purchasing the automobile.
Cornhusker Insurance offers a wide variety of insurance products, including car, home, life, and business insurance. We are committed to providing clients with the highest quality insurance plans available combined with some of the lowest possible rates. Whether you are shopping for auto insurance, home insurance, life or business insurance, we can help you obtain the best coverage available at the lowest rate possible.
All of us at Cornhusker Insurance truly value the long-term relationship with our clients and are proud to give families, individuals and businesses the personal attention required when it matters most. When claims arise, we realize that it can be very stressful and will do everything possible to assure timely and complete recovery.